TaxSpeaker – Business Tax in Depth
Dates: October 8, 2020 – 8 am to 4 pm CST
& October 9, 2020 – 8 am to 4 pm CST
Price: Member of ASTP – $295.00
Staff of a Member of ASTP – $330.00
Non-Member of ASTP – $350.00
CPE Hours: 16 Hours Tax/Update
Level: Update
Prerequisites: 1-year tax preparation experience
Due to public health and safety concerns resulting from the COVID-19 health emergency, the TaxSpeaker – Business Tax in Depth will be offered in a Live Society Webinar (this is NOT a recorded presentation). You can ask questions during the class just like an in-person class and they will answer them, live, as they are able, just like an in-person class.
Our seminar presenters are already updating their materials to include the latest information regarding the tax aspects of the CARES Act and other Covid-19 legislation.
The Tax Cuts bill changed everything we know about the formation and operation of C corporations, LLC’s and S corporations. With in-depth coverage of LLC, S and C corporate tax issues the 2020 in depth course will also include detailed analyses of the choice of entity that best fits the taxpayer, and corporate formation issues. The LLC chapter will provide guidance on the new partnership audit regulations; the C corporation chapter will discuss the new tax rate and penalty taxes; and the S corporation chapter will examine the 20% flow through deduction, plus the impact of the new tax law on built in gains and the interaction of wages vs. the flow through deduction. Combining the 3 focus areas of C corporations, S corporations and LLC taxation with these two special topics will make this one of the most relevant courses a participant will take in 2020.
Every chapter has been updated for the effects of the end-of-2019 Budget Bill and both March 202 tax bills, with in-depth discussion and examples of those changes! 2020 changes are all coming together with 4 different bills into a massive year of tax changes.
In response to your requests, our S Corporation chapter has been expanded with a new completed 2019 Form 1120S case study, discussion of Passive income and Built in Gains and analyses of this year’s court cases. The C corporation chapter has also been updated reflecting all of the new NOL changes. The Business interest chapter now includes the brand-new law changes and the LLC chapter-wow, the biggest year of changes for LLC’s since 1986.
All attendees receive the hyperlinked PDF E-Book and this year we will also provide discussion of corporate pension plans because of the newly upgraded new pension plan credit.
Earn Live CPE Credit.
You must have a high-speed internet connection, speakers connected to your computer, headphones or call in for audio and a monitor.
If you have more than 1 person PAID FOR and REGISTERED for the streaming webinar and all would like to watch from the same computer, please complete the Proctor Form and return to us AFTER completion of the webinar in order to receive CPE credit. Each PAID and REGISTERED attendee will receive their own login information for CPE Credit. Multiple logins by one person will be disconnected immediately.
You can log in 10 minutes early. Please note-you will not see or hear the speaker until the prompt start time.
All streaming webinars listed are Central Time Zone. Please adjust to your time zone.
You will be provided with an E-Book and slides. (A printed book is available for $100.00. Deadline to order this will be October 1, 2020)
A Zoom account link will be provided to all paid attendees.
This Webinar is limited to 500 attendees.
Bob Jennings CPA, EA, CFP
Bob is a nationally renowned author and speaker, presenting continuing education classes to over 100,000 tax professionals over the last 20 years all over the world. Bob is a licensed CPA (Indiana), and an IRS Enrolled Agent. Bob is also a prolific author and has published over 60 professional articles in such magazines as the Journal of Accountancy as well as many other professional and consumer publications; annually authors several tax, accounting and technology manuals; and is a regular columnist for As the founder of his own regional CPA firm in 1984. Bob has dealt exclusively with individual and small business financial issues for over 30 years. Bob appears regularly in the media and has been quoted extensively by numerous publications. He has recorded an extensive number of information videos, DVD’s and instructional clips available on his website at
Mark Mirsky CPA, MST, CGMA
Mark Mirsky is a licensed CPA in Illinois with in-house corporate accounting experience, and has worked in both large and small accounting firms. He has a Master’s in Taxation from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. In 2004 Mark co-founded ROI Business Services, LLC where he leads the Taxation and Management Advisory Services. In 2018 he founded ROI CPE, LLC to provide quality education to the CPA industry. With a focus on partnerships, S-corporations, C-corporations, and multi-state taxation. Mark also provides assistance for business startups, the acquisition and disposition of businesses, international taxation, and real estate. Mark works with businesses and organizations across the country and around the world, including manufacturing/distribution, technology and web-based, and construction companies, as well as service firms and medical practices. He also works with individuals and tax planning. Mark’s background includes working in the international tax group at one of the largest accounting firms in the world, and for two middle-market firms focusing on closely held businesses, serving as a firm-wide resource for partnership and multistate taxation. He currently is teaching for TaxSpeaker around the country, a former instructor for other national seminar companies. Concentrations: Tax instruction, business consulting, multi-state and partnership taxation, international tax, S-corporations, startup businesses, tax planning, individual tax, accounting and assistance with structuring sales/acquisitions of businesses.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to Explain the latest changes in tax law to your business clients; Summarize the various methods of accounting that are available; Determine the appropriate treatment for various business expenses; Assist clients with the formation of a C or an S corporation; Define a controlled group and determine the tax issues that are affected with controlled groups; Determine the proper classification of individuals working for you and assist clients in determining if individuals working for them are employees or independent contractors; Inform clients of the various characteristics and tax implications of the C corporation form of business entity; Determine if a corporation qualifies to file the election for S status; and much more.
Fees and Schedule – This TaxSpeaker/American Society of Tax Professionals Sponsored Internet-Live webinar will begin and end promptly at state time (Central Time Zone). All 8-hour webinars will break for lunch, and have 2, 10-15-minute breaks.
Attendees must log in on time, remain logged in for the full length of the webinar, and answer 75% of all polling questions to obtain full CPE Credit.
Jennings Advisory Group, LLC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: NASBA Sponsor #108251
American Society of Tax Professionals has entered into an agreement with the Return Preparer Office, Internal Revenue Service, to meet the requirements of 31 Code of Federal Regulations, section 10.6(g), covering maintenance of attendance records, retention of program outlines, qualifications of instructors, and length of class hours. This agreement does not constitute an endorsement by the Return Preparer office as to the quality of the program or its contribution to the professional competence of the enrolled individual. IRS Sponsor Number T0BDV